Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar recently announced that a stadium will be built in Olympic gold-medalist Neeraj Chopra’s native village in Panipat. Javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra’s native village Khandra is in Panipat. A stadium would be built in Neeraj Chopra’s village for Rs 10 crore.
Making the announcement after the inauguration of a cooperative sugar factory in Panipat, the Chief Minister said Neeraj Chopra, who belongs to Haryana, has made the country and the state proud by winning an Olympic gold medal last year.
Chief Minister, Khattar also said the Khelo India Youth Games-2021, which had to be postponed multiple times due to the COVID-19 pandemic, will be organized in the state from June 4 to June 13.
He further added, “Haryana has become a sports hub and players from the state have brought laurels at various national and international level sporting events. Haryana is also giving the highest prize money to its players.”
Addressing a gathering after inaugurating the sugar mill, Khattar said,” Haryana’s biggest sugar mill has been made functional and farmers will not have to transport sugarcane to neighboring states. Ensuring the well-being of each farmer is the utmost priority of the state government. Haryana is the only state to procure 14 crops at minimum support price and is paying the highest procurement rate of sugarcane in the country.”
Who is Neeraj Chopra?
Javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra, who made history on August 7, 2021, by winning India’s first-ever gold medal in athletics at the Tokyo Olympics, was born on December 24, 1997, to a family of farmers from Khandra village near Panipat in Haryana. He graduated from Dayanand Anglo-Vedic College in Chandigarh.
His mother Saroj Devi is a housewife and his father Satish Kumar is a farmer. Since he was overweight, Chopra was always persuaded by his family to take up sports. Later, he decided to try his luck at javelin throw and started training at the Shivaji Stadium in Panipat.