Navodaya Vidyalaya Samit has released the schedule for Computer Based Test (online examination) for various non-teaching posts. As per the notification computer-based test is scheduled to be held from 08th March to 13th March 2022. Applicants can check the post-wise exam dates here.
Sr. No. | Post Name | CBT Date |
1. | Female Staff Nurse, Catering Assistant, Electrician Cum Plumber, and Stenographer | 08-03-2022 |
2. | Junior Secretariat Assistant (JNV Cadre) and Lab Attendant | 09-03-2022 |
3. | Assistant Section Officer and Multi Tasking Staff (HQ/RO Cadre) | 10-03-2022 |
4. | Audit Assistant, Junior Secretariat Assistant (HQ/RO Cadre), and Computer Operator | 11-03-2022 |
5. | Mess Helper, Junior Translation Officer, Assistant Commissioner (Admn.), and Junior Engineer (Civil) | 12-03-2022 |
6. | Assistant Commissioner | 13-03-2022 |
Direct Link to Check NVS Non-Teaching Posts CBT Schedule
NVS Recruitment 2022 – 1925 Non-Teaching Posts
The NVS recruitment drive is being conducted to fill a total of 1925 Non-Teaching vacancies for various posts including Female Staff Nurse, Female Staff Nurse, Assistant Section Officer, Audit Assistant, Junior Translation Officer, Junior Engineer (Civil), Stenographer, Computer Operator, Catering Assistant, Junior Secretariat Assistant (HQ/RO Cadre), Junior Secretariat Assistant (JNV Cadre), Electrician cum Plumber, Lab Attendant, Mess Helper, and Multi Tasking Staff in the Northeast Region of India.
Selection Process – Computer Based Test
Candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of their performance in Computer Based Test (CBT) and interviews put together for the post of Assistant Commissioner, Assistant Commissioner (Admn) & Junior Engineer (Civil). However, in the case of Female Staff Nurse, Assistant Section Officer, Audit Assistant, Junior Translation Officer, Computer Operator, Catering Assistant, Lab Attendant & Multi Tasking Staff, the selection to the post will be done on the basis of the performance of the candidates in the CBT only.
For the post of Stenographer, Junior Secretariat Assistant (HQ/RO Cadre), Junior Secretariat Assistant (JNV Cadre), Electrician cum Plumber & Mess Helper, candidates shortlisted on the basis of CBT will be called for Trade/ Skill Test which will be of qualifying in nature only and carries no weightage. In case a candidate fails to qualify for the trade/ skill test, their candidature would be rejected. Skill Test /Typing Test / Typewriting Test for the post of Stenographer and JSA will be assessed on PC (Personal Computers) only.
- Link for downloading of E-Admit Card will be published on Samiti’s website shortly
- Link for downloading of Call Letter will also be sent on registered Email Addresses of the candidates.
- E-Admit Card will contain details viz. Name and Address of Examination Centre, Timing of Exam, Reporting Time at the Exam center, Entry Gate Closing time, etc., along with other detailed instructions.
- Candidates are requested to carefully read all the instructions contained in E-Admit Card and must strictly adhere to it.
Stay tuned with Rojgar Hub for more updates on NVS Employment News, NVS Recruitment, Exam Pattern, Syllabus, and many more.